There are all kinds of cats in this world and there’s one out there that is just right for you - even if you are allergic to them. Some people prefer adopting breeds of cats that are hypoallergenic, and there are many varieties to pick from.
Even if you are looking for a hairless cat - it’s not out of the realm of possibility because there are breeds of felines that are hairless! Many people with allergies or those who don’t want to keep hoovering the home every day prefer a breed that is likely to shed less fur.
Of course, it’s easier to choose when you are buying a cat but there might be some domestic shorthair cats available for adoption at your local animal rescue. Any shorthair cat is less likely to leave its beautitul fur all around the house and your clothes.
If you want to give a home to a cat by buying or by adopting, it’s always best to figure out how much time you can devote to it for play and its care. Cats can be affectionate and loving but they also need stimulation as much as they need almost 20 hours of sleep.
So, here are eight breeds of cats that shed less fur that you can make your own:

1. Sphynx
Sphynx cats are famous for being hairless but they do have a peach-fuzz like coat. They are the top choice for people with cat allergies or if they prefer a breed that won’t leave fur all over the upholstery in the house. | Pexels

2. Peterbald
Peterbalds can be hairless or have different kinds of coats. They could have short peach fuzz or slightly dense and velvety. However, all of them shed little fur. This breed of cats is known for their smarts but are vocal and incredibly affectionate. (Photo credit - DENIS SINYAKOV/AFP via Getty Images) | AFP via Getty Images

3. Bengal
Bengal cats are smart and agile. They can be trained if you try hard enough. Known for their incredible coats that make them look like leopards, these are low shedding cats. They are ideal for an active household. | pexels

4. Burmese
Burmese cats have short and fine fur and so, shed less as well. They are also affectionate towards their humans and some can even be trained to do things. However, just like all cats they do like having boundaries. | pexels