Every zodiac sign has something unique and special about them and each of the 12 signs have their likes and dislikes. Not everyone believes in astrology but it can be an interesting tool to form connections and get to know people.
Zodiac signs are categorised by four elements — air, fire, water, and earth - in astrology and over the centuries they have been associated with certain myths, animals, gem stones, and colors.
Some people believe that we can tell a lot about a person based on their zodiac sign. We took a look at the personality traits of each of the zodiac sign to find the ideal activity for them to do in Birmingham. These are contingent on the individual and their zodiac sign - which is based on the date they are born in. So, here are all the fun things to do in Birmingham, based on your zodiac sign:
5. Leo (July 23 - August 22)
Leos are fire signs and known for their passion and flamboyance. No less than royalty, they want a glam night where they can be the king or queen. (Photo - Monica Martini) | Monica Martini

6. Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
Earth sign Virgos enjoy practical activities and nothing can set off their meticulous side more than baking - which is a precise culinary art. The Big Birmingham Bake at 110 Floodgate St, Deritend is the destination to let their best skills shine. | Fionnuala Bourke

7. Libra (September 23 - October 22)
Air sign Libra is all about balance and appreciating the good things in life. Visiting an art gallery like Ikon or RBSA would be the best way to spend a day in Birmingham for them. (Photo - West Midlands Growth Company) | West Midlands Growth Company

8. Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
For the intense sign of Scorpio a way to blow off steam would be the ideal way to stay engaged and axe-throwing is a great activity for that. Several venues like Axeperience Axe Throwing or Boom Battle Bar are great options to pick from for axe throwing. | Mat Hayward - stock.adobe.com