About 9.4% of homes in Birmingham are overcrowded, new census data shows. They are among more than one million households across England and Wales with fewer bedrooms than they need.
The national figure is barely changed from the previous census a decade before. Overcrowded homes are those with fewer bedrooms than needed for the number of occupants.
Anyone over 16 or single parents are expected to need their own bedroom. Couples living together, pairs of children under 10 or same-sex pairs of children under 16 are assumed to be able to share a room.
In Birmingham a total of 39,625 homes were overcrowded at the time of the 2021 census, representing 9.4% of all homes in the city.
Across England, nearly one in 20 (4.4%) - had fewer bedrooms than they needed for the number of occupants, the figures released by the Office for National Statistics show.
About 170,000 homes were very overcrowded, with at least two fewer bedrooms than they needed. The situation was better in Wales, with 2.2% of homes having fewer bedrooms than they needed.
Around 30,000 households were overcrowded and about 3,500 of these were very overcrowded with at least two fewer bedrooms than they needed.
Here are the neighbourhoods of Birmingham with the highest proportion of overcrowded homes.

5. Small Heath Park
In Small Heath Park, 27.1% of households were overcrowded | Google Street View

6. Sparkbrook South
26.9% of homes are overcrowded in Sparkbrook South | West Midlands Police

7. Washwood Heath
In Washwood Heath, 26.5% of households were overcrowded | Google Street View

8. Saltley West
In Saltley West, 23.7% of homes are overcrowded