Whether it’s the perfect smile you crave, relief from a niggling toothache, a clean and whiten, or just a check-up, everybody needs a good dentist.
With many to choose from, it can be difficult to find the right one for you.
With that in mind we found the 16 highest-rated dentists in Birmingham according to reviews from patients on Google. All have a rating of 4.5 or above out of 5 on Google reviews.
Here are 16 of the best dentists in Birmingham

1. Teeth and Face, Legge Lane, Jewellery Quarter
Teeth and Face, has a 5 star rating from 209 Google reviews | google

2. West Heath Dental Practice, West Heath Road, West Heath
The dentist has a 5 star rating from 80 Google reviews | google

3. Birmingham Dental Specialists, Waterfront Walk, city centre
The dentist has a 4.9 rating from 120 Google reviews | google

4. Hawkins Dental & Implant Clinic, Bristol Road South, Longbridge
The Hawkins Dental & Implant Clinic has a 4.8 rating from 137 Google reviews | Google