These are the secondary schools in Sandwell that have been ranked based on the latest academic attainment data.
There are plenty of good secondary schools across the borough so we’ve analysed government data to reveal the secondary schools that have the best attaintment 8 results.
We have included schools across West Bromwich, Smethwick Oldbury, Wednesbury and more.
This score shows how much progress pupils at this school made between the end of key stage 2 and the end of key stage 4, compared to pupils across England who got similar results at the end of key stage 2.
Secondary schools get a score based on how well pupils have performed in up to 8 qualifications, which include English, maths, 3 English Baccalaureate qualifications including sciences, computer science, history, geography and languages, as well as three other additional approved qualifications.
The Attainment 8 score is the average measure of an individual student's progress across their 8 best performing subjects taken at GCSE level.
It’s the latest school performance data, which is published on the government website.
Let's take a look at the 20 best Sandwell schools based on academic performance.

1. Q3 Academy Langley
The school has an attainment 8 score of 55.1 | Google

2. Sandwell Academy
The school has an attainment 8 score of 47.9 | Google

3. St Michael’s Church of England High School, Rowley Regis
The school has an attainment 8 score of 47.1 | Google

4. Wood Green Academy, Wednesbury
The school has an attainment 8 score of 47.1 | Google