Parents and guardians across the UK will have already applied for their child's place in primary and secondary school for September 2024, although a number of city schools have received fresh Ofsted ratings this year.
Schools across the country are regularly inspected by the education watchdog and are graded on a four-point scale. Although they aren’t inspected every year.
‘Outstanding’ is the top rating a school can receive, ‘good’ is second, ‘requires improvement’ the third and ‘inadequate’ is the worst.
We’ve take a look at every Birmingham secondary school to receive an Ofsted rating this year. Le’s take a look at how they were marked:

1. Blackwater Academy, Newtown
Blackwater Academy in Newtown received a Good rating from Ofsted in January 2024 | Google Street View

2. Eden Girls' Leadership Academy, Small Heath
The secondary school received a Outstanding Ofsted rating on March 18 2024

3. Four Dwellings Academy, Quinton
The secondary school received a Good Ofsted rating on January 19 2024 | google

4. John Willmott School, Sutton Coldfield
The school received a Good Ofsted rating on January 22 2024 | google