Rise in drug treatment deaths in Birmingham

Drugs and drug-taking equipment.   *01/04/04: A programme designed to get drug-addict offenders into treatment was expanding to 36 new areas Thursday 1 April 2004.  The Government scheme aims to crack drug crime by testing offenders for Class A drugs when they are charged by police.  They are then referred to drug workers while in police custody and later guided into treatment.    *03/11/04: Taxpayers' money is being wasted on ineffective drug treatment courses which are abandoned by nearly half of addicts, a spending watchdog said.  Too many drug users start rehab programmes but drop out for 'avoidable reasons' the Audit Commission said. Some addicts may take part in a number of courses before successfully completing their rehab, wasting public money, it added. 'Too many drug users drop out of treatment for avoidable reasons and the importance of staff attitudes to the success of treatment has yet to be fully recognised by local services', said the report.Drugs and drug-taking equipment.   *01/04/04: A programme designed to get drug-addict offenders into treatment was expanding to 36 new areas Thursday 1 April 2004.  The Government scheme aims to crack drug crime by testing offenders for Class A drugs when they are charged by police.  They are then referred to drug workers while in police custody and later guided into treatment.    *03/11/04: Taxpayers' money is being wasted on ineffective drug treatment courses which are abandoned by nearly half of addicts, a spending watchdog said.  Too many drug users start rehab programmes but drop out for 'avoidable reasons' the Audit Commission said. Some addicts may take part in a number of courses before successfully completing their rehab, wasting public money, it added. 'Too many drug users drop out of treatment for avoidable reasons and the importance of staff attitudes to the success of treatment has yet to be fully recognised by local services', said the report.
Drugs and drug-taking equipment. *01/04/04: A programme designed to get drug-addict offenders into treatment was expanding to 36 new areas Thursday 1 April 2004. The Government scheme aims to crack drug crime by testing offenders for Class A drugs when they are charged by police. They are then referred to drug workers while in police custody and later guided into treatment. *03/11/04: Taxpayers' money is being wasted on ineffective drug treatment courses which are abandoned by nearly half of addicts, a spending watchdog said. Too many drug users start rehab programmes but drop out for 'avoidable reasons' the Audit Commission said. Some addicts may take part in a number of courses before successfully completing their rehab, wasting public money, it added. 'Too many drug users drop out of treatment for avoidable reasons and the importance of staff attitudes to the success of treatment has yet to be fully recognised by local services', said the report.
The number of people who died while undergoing drug treatment in Birmingham has risen, figures show.

The number of people who died while undergoing drug treatment in Birmingham has risen, figures show.

Amid a rise in fatalities nationally, drug reform charity Release warned that drug-related death rates are higher among those not in contact with treatment services.

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Figures from the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities show 151 people died while in drug treatment in Birmingham between April 2018 and March 2021.

This was up from 131 who died between April 2017 and March 2020.

But between April 2016 and March 2019, there were 132 deaths in the area.

Across England, 6,940 people died in drug treatment in 2018-21 – up from 6,164, and 5,889 over the previous two three-year periods.

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Release, which comprises experts on drug laws, said treatment deaths are concerning but further details around the cause of death are needed.

Dr. Laura Garius, policy lead for the charity, said: "We do not know whether or not these deaths were actually substance-related, how these deaths vary by treatment setting and type of intervention, and we cannot detangle the role that the coronavirus pandemic may have played.

"The absence of further information gives rise to fear and alarmism about the role of treatment in the death of clients, when in reality, we know that drug-related death rates are higher among people not in contact with drug treatment services."

She welcomed an increase in funding for drug treatment by the Government’s new 10-year strategy but added that certain types of treatment – including medical safe-supply for some drugs – were not included.

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The figures show 3,726 people across England died while in contact with drug and alcohol services between April 2020 and March 2021 – 27% more than during the year before.

Dr Emily Finch, vice-chair of the addictions faculty at the Royal College of Psychiatrists, said: “Each of these deaths is a tragedy and is a stark reminder of just how destructive and damaging addiction can be.

“It’s vital that anyone struggling with their alcohol or drug use seeks help from local services.

“But years of underfunding and a workforce crisis mean many services are ill-equipped to treat the number of people needing help."

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The Department of Health and Social Care said its recently announced drugs strategy will tackle the root causes of substance misuse, including £780 million for treatment and recovery.

It said illegal drugs cost the taxpayer nearly £20 billion every year and that almost half of all burglaries and robberies in England are committed by heroin and crack cocaine addicts.

The latest figures show that of the 314,000 opiate or crack users in England in 2016-17, 10,525 were in Birmingham.

This is equivalent to 14.2 in every 10,000 people in the area, well above the national average, of 8.9 per 10,000.

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A DHSC spokesman said: “Drug misuse can have a tragic impact on people’s health, their families and their livelihoods.

“Like other services, drug and alcohol treatment services were affected by the pandemic, but most services have returned to as close to business-as-usual as they can.”